Monday, March 10, 2008


A turbulent past as well as a chaotic present describes the country of Afghanistan has been invaded and conquered by: the persians , greeks, arabs, mongols , british, today its going through a war with the americans.

the U.S help them in 1980 during their brutal war with russia, however the alliance ended when U.S. and allied military forces invaded the country shortly after the September 11 attacks on the United States.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

afghanistan and the cold war

afghanistan had a nine year conflict with russia that conflict was concurrent to the 1779 iranian revolution and the iran-iraq war

its amazing how a cold war led to all this events

Thursday, February 28, 2008

LETS get TO kno00W Afghanistan

  1. located approximately in the center of Asia.

  2. Geography Area: 648,000 sq. km. (252,000 sq. mi.); slightly smaller than Texas. (mostly mountains and deserts

  3. climate: Dry, with cold winters and hot summers

  4. ,Religiously Afghans are over 99% Muslims: approximately 74-80% Sunni and 19-25% Shi'a

  5. POPULATION :2007 estimate :31,889,923

  6. Government: Islamic republic; President: Hamid Karzai ;Vice President:Ahmad Zia Massoud